Welcome to the Lettering Lounge!

The Lettering Lounge is a space for all lettering enthusiasts to gather and learn.
Find a spark of inspiration and let’s write something beautiful!

The Art of Lettering

The advantage of drawing letters is that we can incorporate nuance. Nuance, rather than slavish precision, is what breathes life into our letters.

Peter Thornton

About me

Hello, I’m Betty @muffinister! I find beauty in simple things and humor in most things.

I fell in love with calligraphy back in 2017. Ever since, I’ve been immersing myself in the art of lettering using brush pens, pointed pen, and digital lettering.

Hand-lettering holds a special place in my heart as it became a tangible way to express words of gratitude and dwell on Scripture. Perhaps it is because I’m drawn to its refined elegance in juxtaposition to my delight in puns and corny jokes.

What does muffinister mean?

Muffinister is a pseudonym of mine, inspired by the illustration of a hangry muffin by BrainMeats over at Threadless.

It is a playful word that combines “muffin” with the suffix “-ster” used to describe someone who is a big fan of this delectable pastry.